Target Investments
Target Investments
We are targeting investments in the areas of wind power, landfill gas, hydroelectric power, gasification technologies, ethanol and biofuels and solar energy. We have the legal, financial and technical expertise and contacts to source, plan, finance and implement investment opportunities in our target markets.
Wind Power
The target wind farm size is in the range of 1 to 10 MW of generated power.
Landfill Gas
We have the technical and financial expertise and resources to develop solutions to fit the application.
Hydroelectric Power
The target hydroelectric project would be considered small with a range of 1 to 10 MW.
Biomass gasification processes.
Solar Energy
Solar projects of 1 to 10MW capacity are within our range.
Cogeneration and combined heat and power technology.
Energy transmission, technology procurement, and other renewable energy projects are within our investment mandate.